Xiamen Sinuowei Automated Science and Technology Co.,Ltd

3 Common Aviation Hose Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs! 2023-04-21

When you are in charge of a piece of aviation equipment, every little detail matters. Whether it be a traditional airplane, a helicopter, a glider, or even a satellite, every piece of your machine is vital to ensure flying safety. While flying in itself can pose several dangers, you’re equipment should never contribute to them. In this blog post, we will detail three common flying errors revolving around aviation clamps and hoses.

1. Not Replacing Your Aviation Hoses Periodically

Clearly, every machine needs regular maintenance, no matter how well it is assembled. Aircraft are no exception to this rule, so it is crucial that you check on your interior hose network frequently. If there is a leak or a stoppage issue that you miss while on the ground, problems may arise in the air. Label your hoses clearly, run some basic tests, and ensure that their aviation clamps, or aircraft type hose clamps, are tight and in working condition.

2. Not Clamping Down Your Various Aviation Hoses

Since hoses can sometimes connect on their own, it can be a temptation to not invest in any hose clamps for your aircraft. However, this can be an enormously dangerous error. Using a reliable clamp to keep your hoses in place will not only keep them from jostling and shaking out of place but will also prevent any gas or liquid leakage from an improper hose seal connection. Investing in a heavy duty hose clamp or a stainless steel hose clamp can be the difference between a well-oiled machine and an in-flight malfunction.

3. Not Providing Your Backup Engine With Reliable Upkeep

If you are flying in a commercial aircraft, you have an extra weighted responsibility to keep your aircraft functional, safe, and clean. Not only are you putting your own life at risk by not taking proper care of your plane, but you may also be risking the safety of those you are flying. For this reason, you should perform a brief inspection of your primary and backup engines before every single flight.

If your hosing system utilizes an aircraft hose clamp for each hose connection, then this will automatically decrease the chances of you having a hose leak resulting in engine failure. Of course, this chance is never zero considering the countless moving parts used to make an airplane function, but a hose clamp is a small part that can make a world of difference, especially in a dangerous in-flight situation.

Clearly, flying is a very complicated process, with several factors that go into its overall safety. However, the rewards from being able to safely fly an aircraft are numerous, from technological breakthroughs to pure enjoyment. If you are looking to jump into the world of aircraft, let us recommend the best aviation clamps for your project. Give us a call today to get started.





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